Embroidary logo
We use embroidary logo on the should strap of breathable wader
We use embroidary logo on the should strap of breathable wader
logo 20 views EmbroidaryEmbroidary logologo
LOGO standard requirement
Digital print is to use print machine to directly print logo on fabric,do not need the third paper to transfer logo.
logo 10 views digital printdigital print logoWhat digital print means
Heat transfer print is a logo print way,use the print machine to output the logo on the plastic paper,then use the heat transfer machine to transfer the logo on the material surface
logo 6 views heat transferheat transfer printWhat heat transfer print means
Sublimation print logo--use print machine to output the logo image on the sublimation paper,then use heat transfer machine to transfer the color to fabric fibre
logo 22 views sublimation logosublimation printsublimation print logo
Silk screen print is the basic logo print way,some one also call it silk print,screen print or oil ink print