Plastic metal wetsuit hanger -001 user manual
Plastic metal wetsuit hanger -001 user manual
Plastic metal wetsuit hanger -001 user manual
User manual 22 views Plastic metal wetsuit hanger user manualWetsuit hangerwetsuit hanger user manual
What is the carton marks
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What is OEM and ODM means
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Products Package--We also called products packing way
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Digital print is to use print machine to directly print logo on fabric,do not need the third paper to transfer logo.
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Heat transfer print is a logo print way,use the print machine to output the logo on the plastic paper,then use the heat transfer machine to transfer the logo on the material surface
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As the order runs,our available color/or characteristic fabric changes accordingly,so we need to find the closely color or characteristic fabric in warehouse or in other fabric factory,if find the,they are available fabric
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Dyeing fabric is dyeing color on the fabric according to customer color requirement based on available dyeing mould
Generally delivery time is from the get order time to deliver goods time
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Sublimation print logo--use print machine to output the logo image on the sublimation paper,then use heat transfer machine to transfer the color to fabric fibre
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